Sunday 14 November 2021

Are you there?

In the quiet of December
In the midst of recurring thoughts-
       unkempt and uncouth.
Once raging, but now a doused hearth,
Remains nothing but debris of all things broken.

Are you there?

Did not flinch
It was a past, unsuccessful.
Bound by a fictitious oath,
Taken captive of a realm so surreal.
Weakened by the blows of fear,
Disgusted by failure,
Strength fell short.

Are you there?

Sheltered by bogus reasons,
Conned by achievements of yesteryear,
Disparaging everything,
Comfortably walked down the aisle
Flanked by lies.

Are you there?

The voice now fainting,
Dreams distanced themselves-
The vices inched closer
The self, surrendered.

Are you there?